END OF SUMMER SALE!! AUGUST – OCTOBERSALE PRICE: $149 PSFBrand new units coming at Luxury Garage Condos in Athol. 5 unit sizes from ±700 – ±1,250 SF (20’x35′; 25’x35′; 20’x50′; 25’x50; 23’x50′). Facility fully fenced and gated with 24 video surveillance. 675 SF clubhouse for owners or tenants. All units finished with insulated R19 walls and R30 ceilings. 14×14 insulated smart garage door and smart man doors on all units. All units heated with smart thermostats. Alarm and fire monitoring systems equipped. Units equipped with Alarm.com smart technology including motion sensors, smart thermostat and garage door access via cellphone. Smart locks and handles on man doors and gate access. Four to six led shop lights depending on unit size. All units individually metered with 100 amp electrical